Gay Cruising News and Updates – CMBuddiesNYC, Fire Island Poll and TruvadaWhore PrEP

Greetings Fellow Cruisers

I decided to add a new posting on updates and information and news that’s going on in the world that may or may not affect the cruising scene.

Cruising Updates:

CMBuddiesNYC: an underground sex party at a private residences is going from 2 parties/month to 1/month after the month of May. If you never attend this party, you should definitely check it out. They have a great setup with a 2 play rooms, one that has mattresses covering the entire floor of the room and a massage table. The other has a sling with a small mattress underneath. TONS OF ACTION, never a dull moment. email for more info
Voting Poll: This month I asked if you want me to keep listing the events every month and there was an unanimous YES for the return of monthly listing. So, I’m going to start working on it for the end of May and beginning of June.

Poll for the May/June: Will you be cruising on Fire Island this summer? Yes, No, What’s Fire Island?

Truvada Whore/ PrEP: In gay news, the CDC endorsed taking PrEP for thosing engaging high risk sexual activities such as not using condoms, barebacking, breeding, etc. The pill, taken once daily, will reduced the risk tremendously up to 92%, according to CDC website, pill has been surrounded by controversy over the effect will have on the gay community.

The president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation(AHF), Michael Weinstein, called PrEP, a “party” drug and that it will increase or suppot high risk sexual acts, such as barebacking or sex without condoms and the use of condoms will decrease. The problem with this statement is that calling PrEP, a “party” drug puts a stigma on a drug that helps reduce the risk of contracting HIV while parTying and PNP, Party and Play, recreational drugs induce your risk of contracting HIV. Click the link for more on this subject.

Gay Adult Film Actors: Drew Sebastian and Max Cameron, who are HIV+ and HIV-, respectively; are in a serosorting relationship in support of using PrEP and it has strengthen their relationship in a documentary short on FUSION TV. Here is the video:

*Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Truvada, PrEP, or Fusion TV*

Much Love and Cum

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  1. I am not in favor of using a drug that promotes irresponsible sexual behavior. Have we learned nothing from the last 30 years? Wearing protection during anal sex is a best practice. It's one we should embrace and maintain.

  2. PrEP and condoms are not mutually exclusive. One can do both. PrEP does NOT prevent anyone from contractings STDs so one should use also use condoms to prevent from getting affected by any disease.

  3. Some studies show a 99% effective rate for PrEP when taken daily, so it may actually be a very awesome alternative to condoms. If it's exactly as effective as condoms, then barebacking is not "irresponsible sexual behavior". Also, you can get any other std even when using condoms – I got my first STD when I used condoms all the time. I've been on PrEP for more than three years and taken tons of raw loads and I still test negative consistently. If PrEP proves to be as effective as it seems, the gay community is going to have to reevaluate the way it tends to demonize promiscuity.

  4. Thank you for your comment. I read that as well that it has a 99% effective rate; however, I went with the lower percentage to prevent any accusations of any misleading information.

    In my opinion, the stigmatization of HIV+ people is what kills them more than the disease. The disease can be contain with the proper treatment; however, the treatment from the gay community is what needs to be contain to a healthy, non-judgmental environment. An environment where men aren't afraid to get tested and treated for the fear of repercussions, not from the disease itself, but their family and friends. The mental health of people living with HIV is what leads to people not taking meds, feeling depressed and unloved. I lost someone to HIV this year and I witnessed the struggle he went through.

    I get tested more often than I used to in fear of finding out I was HIV+. Now I'm in the mindset that I need to know my status to protect me and other from contracting HIV. I'm in the process of signing up for PrEP. I will be talking more about in my blog to raise awareness and help fight the AIDS epidemic and stigma.
