DC’s Introduction to All-Male Group Sex 101 – On Threesomes, Orgies and Sex Parties

Many of you are curious about what goes on at a Sex Party and may have many questions that you need answers to before you engage in this type of scenario. You may also want to know how you should conduct yourself and how to prepare for one. I decided to create a guide to help you get accustom to participating in a sex party or a place where a group of men are engaging in sexual activities.

PREPARATION FOR AN ORGY – In order to ensure that you are prepared for this engagement you must follow these rules.

1) Check Your Email(s) – Before you douche out your butt or scrub your balls make sure that the party is still happening. You also need to know where you’re going? How you are going to get there and what time you need to be there? You might get there too early or too late so do your research. Also, make sure you understand the rules of the party, fee, dress code, etc.

*PERSONAL NOTE* It’s better to get there within the first hour, I’ve seen parties go on from open to close and other’s died down very early because everyone came already. So if you like to be fashionably late to a party, you run the risk of missing out and losing money because they’re NO REFUNDS at a sex party; however, they might give you an discount or free admission to one of their other parties.

2) Use Proper Hygiene – That means if you’re a bottom or thinking about bottoming, DOUCHE OUT YOUR ASS. For the most part, I think most guys at these party follow this rule but they’re a few who don’t and nothing ruins a party like a dirty ass or the smell of shit. You will be asked to leave if you don’t follow this rule. For tops, clean your dick and your balls especially if you’ve gotten some ass prior to going to the party. For ALL men, take a shower or bath and use light scented soap or body-wash before you arrive. Gargle mouthwash is also important to kill bacteria and keep from getting germs. Many parties offer mouthwash or mints, use them your fellow fuck buddies will appreciate it.

3) Do A Full Body Inspection – Make sure you do not have any sores, bumps or blemishes that might affect your health while engaging in sex. If you do have any of these, please do not attend the party just for the sake of your health and others. There will be more parties so it’s not the end of the world if you can’t attend because of these minor setbacks. Use good judgment and check everywhere – mouth, dick, balls and ass. Clip your fingernails so you don’t scratch or cut anyone.

Now that you’ve properly prep for the event, let’s discuss what you should do while you’re there.

PARTICIPATION AT AN ORGY – A code of conduct to how men should behave at a sex party.

1) Know The House Rules – Before you start engaging in group sex, you should know to conduct yourself in public with you may or may not have sex with. Use the golden rule, Do unto others as you wish they do unto you.  Treat people with dignity and respect.

2) Respect Your Host – This rule is sometimes forgotten or broken. Remember it is a privilege not an honor for you to attend their party so don’t be rude or nasty to the host if you don’t like the guys who are there. If you are mistreated by the host then leave immediately and badmouth their party if you want to have any impact because most of these parties are based on internet word-of-mouth. From my experience, I’ve never had any problem with the host, the patrons are another story.

3) Read Body Languages – If a guys ignores you when you’re standing very close to him then chances are he’s NOT that into you. Watch his pattern of men that he touches or who he lets touch him. Some guys like guys that are the same race as them; no matter what they look like. While others only play with guys who are not of their own race. I’ve been on both sides of this situation especially when I’m the only black guy in the room. Just move on and if you’re not enjoying yourself then leave. Remember it is not your issue regarding people’s hangups.

I noticed guys who have an open mind often times have the best time because their options are plentiful and guys who are picky often end up stuck with limited amounts of men, having to wait for a guy they really want to play with or end up leaving early because they rather not be touched by any guy they deem unattractive for whatever reason. There’s also the issue of age discrimination and physical discrimination. Either way not everyone is inclusive into having sex for sex sake. Try to have a thick skin and go where the vibe and energy is inviting; that’s where you will have the best time and before you know you will cum and forget all about those others that didn’t want you.

4) Report Any Harassment  – It’s one thing to tell a guy you’re not interested or no thanks but it’s another to feel like you can’t have any fun because you are afraid of being groped or harassed by someone. If this happens, tell the host immediately because chances are someone else is feeling the same way too about this individual. They will be asked to leave and I’ve seen guys get thrown out but not too often. Most guys are appreciative of the event and respectful of others.

5) Don’t Take It Personal – If a guy was playing with you one moment then doesn’t the next; Move On. Chances are he wants to have fun with many guys as you should; that’s the beauty of sex parties you don’t have to commit to just one person. I can’t tell you how many guys I had to run away from because they want to pretend that we’re the only people in the room and they should be exclusive to each other. No one belongs to no one unless you are a couple and you both agree to be with each other. That person that you played with earlier, may cum back for more later on. Who knows? Just have fun.

6) Clean In Between – After swapping blowjobs, kissing, rimming and fucking especially if you’re fucking bareback. Make sure you use the restroom to clean off your dick or wipe your ass if you get shit on it. Using this technique prevents the spread of germs and diseases especially chlamydia . If you take loads anally, you should clean your ass out too but I know some guys love to collect loads so I leave that up to them.

CONCLUSION OF AN ORGY – How to conduct yourself once the deed is done and the seed is spread.

1) Freshen Up – Make sure you do a proper scrub of your genitals before you pick up your belongings. Use mouthwash as well. Try to remove as much odor as possible from your body before you go back out into the general public.

2) Gather Your Things – Make sure that everything you came with is everything you leave with. Most parties have no re-entry policy so make sure you got everything that is yours.

3) Thank Your Host – Give gratitude to the host for providing a safe place to cruise and hookup with men. They are not many places in the city anymore where you can meet me in public and have sex.

These sex parties do not always last forever so don’t take them for granted. Bars get shut down for sexual activities, cops patrol and arrest guys conducting lewd acts in public places. I say that to say this seize the moment, if you enjoy anonymous sex, give “underwear” sex parties a try. Support them because they’re the only things we have left in the city besides adult theaters and male spas.

Much love and cum

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