Gay Cruising Film Review: Gay Sex in The 70s…(in New York City)

Gay Sex in The 70's - A steamy romp by Joseph Lovett Cover art

The era of free sex and love. That special time in New York City when gay men really expressed themselves and revolutionize the art of cruising for sex.

The Movie: Gay Sex in the 70s…(New York City)

Released Date: 2005

Running Time: 67 minutes

This documentary delves into the cruising scene in New York City during the end of the Stonewall riots and beginning of the AIDS epidemic. The film has commentary and voice overs from several men who experienced the scene during that time.

One of the photos from the abandon pier buildings

The film shares the various bars from their heyday to their demise. The cruising scene consisted of the usually locales: bars, bathhouses, darkrooms, streets, Rambles and Fire Island. They also discussed places that you wouldn’t expect the back of empty trailer trucks, simply referred as The Trucks and the abandoned pier buildings along the West Side Highway on the Hudson River. I included a link to a blog that talks more about The Trucks here.

One of the abandon piers that were used for cruising for sex on the West Side Highway

This film is a classic piece that you can watch again and again. So check it out, it’s available on Netflix.

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