Late Night Cruising NYC on Social Media – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

With so many parties and events, it’s hard to keep up and post it on my blog. Thus, I turned to social media to give you guys the parties and events that I may hear about last minute or forgotten to post.
This is now on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Facebook page is where I post my and share similar reviews as well as share parties and events that listed on Facebook. Facebook has changed with many new communities and members-only groups and secret groups; one of my own and am a member of several. I post and share events that I find out when I’m out and about in NYC. So make sure you like the page on Facebook.

Twitter page for my blog is where the dirty gay fun goes down. It’s a great way for me to tweet and retweet the things I like without being censored and judged. It’s also a great way to meet your favorite gay porn stars and piggy men from around the world. If you don’t have a twitter, you definitely need to sign up and get into some trouble.

Instagram page for promoting parties and events with posters. It’s the fastest and best way for me to promote parties and events. For you guys, it’s a great way to meet you guys and seeing who’s planning on going to an event.You can also follow me on Instagram: rickeasleynyc

Here are the links to the social  media:

Much Love and Cum
DC/Rick Easley

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